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The Five Senses Project of the JoLiv collaborative produces multi-sensorial experiences that promote consciousness and connectivity in a growingly isolating world. Artist, Olivia Ann Carye Hallstein, pairs with musician, Jonas Kublickas, to study the effects of atmospheres driven by the experience of sound, taste, visual, touchable and smellable sensations.


Through “acoustic” virtual worlds, they focus on the experiential real and unlocking the potential to bridge the growing disparities between disciplines, environments and peoples. These multi- sensorial spaces and practices address questions of sustainable practices, acoustic ecology, wasted food and social justice through deepened explorations related to the experience of a familiar sensation (like the taste of sugar cane).


An odyssey into the seemingly familiar, their collaboration traces the roots of abstractive arts and builds environments within which to contemplate, not what is available in a 60 second YouTube video, but in the relationship developed with one’s environment in meditation with it. 

Greensleeves Still.jpg

Iteration 1: ComProvisations of the Five Senses Project of the JoLiv Collaborative presents the harmonization of Vision and Music!


ComProvisations are a method of harmonizing the visual and the aural where the musician and the artist work in a continuous process of drawing sound or music and then taking that drawing or painting and interpreting it back into music or sound.


The resulting exhibition includes a series of drawings and paintings and sound installations that correspond with each collaborative object. The pieces are meant to stand in harmony with one another to inform the viewer to look more closely and hear more when interacting with the work. 






Five Senses Boxes 2020

In light of the quarantine in 2020, Five Senses Boxes were developed that offered a direct-to-consumer variation of the harmonized experience. These were developed in 2 variations. The first, was interactive and meant for other creators. The second variation had specialty JoLiv/Five Senses boxes and a series of objects put to a theme. Below are some examples. 

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